150ml Black Empty Plastic Hand Soap Foam Pump Bottle for Liquid Soap | luzernpackaging This plastic soap dispenser foam pump bottles with black plastic tops - 150ml capacity. This saves on soap and water which saves you money. Refillable bottles let you make your own DIY soap, add essential oils to Castile Soap, Dish Soap for your homemade fragrances, etc. It is a diluted form of liquid hand soap, less soap is used per hand washing session.Reduce water usage during hand washing by up to 45 percent.Cost-effective. Wasting less soap means buying less soap.Foaming hand soap is considered to be easy on the environment, affordable, efficient, hygienic, and an all-around sustainable option.Other uses: pet shampoo, body wash for showers, dish soap, baby wash, aromatherapy soaps--be creative.